Tuesday 12 April 2011

progress update

Hello there mate, Rosie was asleep early tonight (by 9.15) so I've managed to do a little gluing of the plastics! Tonight I put together 8 more gaunts. They are tossed into a box lid with around a dozen other gaunts and a big old trygon (with a hairy old arse). I have to say that the box looks like the basis for a horde... there are loads of things in there which are coming to get you... of course the good news is that most of them are poop. The next stage is to finish spraying the gene stealers red, then base and undercoat all these gaunts and the zoanthropes. Then it's back to building the second trygon, my tervigon (which looks like a hive tyrant) and the 3 metal tyrant guards. When this is done, I will have built my horde. All I have to do then is paint the blighters. Not sure how I will transport them either... Ah well, one thing at a time. Will take a photo of what I have done so far soon! Promise...

1 comment:

  1. Cool, I'm looking forward to seeing the horde set up. Tomorrow I'm going to get the brushes out to try to complete my part-painted unit before they join the almost-painted never finished category that seems to be rather too popular in my house...
